Wednesday, March 28, 2012


NAME: Jong


DOB: Dec 8, 1967. 42 years old

DOMINANT HAND: Born a left but uses his right hand to write

PLACE: Born in Burma and is of Chinese descent


Imaginative. I guess

Cautious person. True

Short-tempered. True

Sensual. (If this is true then you also might have to face problems due to this in life). What can I do to be not sensual? I guess to avoid sexual temptation?

Good intuition power. True

Prefers to stay away from quarrels, arguments, conflicts, etc. True


Overall, your health is good with no major problems. Good

Chances of an injury around age 11/12 or change of residence/place. Moved away from Burma at 12.

There are chances of early diabetes/prostate related issues so be careful. When? Anytime?

As I said above, in late 60s you could face some health issues related to stomach/anorectal. How to minimize the effect?

If you drink or use illicit drugs then you need to stop. Is drinking wine and smoking occasionally must stop?

Also be careful of insect bites/food poisoning/any kind of poison. I see.


Self-made. True

You will get more success in foreign than your motherland. I am in US so I am already in right place then

You should never choose an illegal shortcut of making quick money because you could land into big trouble. OK

Traveling related jobs/business, sales related jobs/business are good for you. I am in professional field as chemist.


Right now there is change around age 42/43. Can you expand on the particular kind of change i.e. good or bad?It is not clear but it seems that either you have started a second job/business around age 39 or you might have relationship with a woman around this age. Started another job.

If this is the case then you could have had loss in the second job/business and if there was a relationship around that time it could have broken after some time. Lost that job after two years.

After age 45 there could be a change again and that should be for better. Good can’t wait.


You had told me when I gave you reading in the forum that you are not yet married and have no relationship. So I am confused because according to palmistry there are strong chances of two/three relationships in your life. Now there are chances of relationship around age 44. I am single and not in relationship but dated a few times nothing I considered serious.


Overall, financial prospects are good and I cannot see anything indicating that you could be facing problems financially. That’s good, is that mean I can spend?


In late 40s you could have to do a long travel. OK

Best Wishes,

Nitin Kumar

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