Monday, March 7, 2011

Sexuality & Freedom Of Expression In The Adult Dating Experience

Free expression is one of those gifts that the world has earned through blood and sweat and today the internet has become a great source of free expression and nowhere else is it more expressed and deserved than here in the good old USA. Our female partners have embraced the internet by using it to express their sexuality and this is demonstrated in the countless uncensored adult dating websites from around the globe.

The first time i ventured into this new medium, i was astonished by the extent women went to express their sexuality. Their profiles are filled with full page nude photos of themselves and their written text is both highly sexsually provocative and geared towards seducing whoever reads it. Some of the photos are so graphic in nature that one could classify them as hardcore porn and today with the videos and webcams they are bolder and more sexsually graphic. Once i joined and posted a simple profile, i did not even have to write to any one of the women before i was bombarded with countless emails and winks and mind you i am not at all pretty. The sheer amount of total nudity, sexsual activity and expression was mind consuming to behold. It felt like i had just returned into pubity, i had reached the promised land of major sex, every man's dream. Having just turned forty at the time, i was surprised by the number of twenty somethings that wanted to contact me and that set my blood boiling to a very high degree of anticipation. It was very exciting entering this newly found world and being the adventurous and spontaneous lad that i am i dove right into it and soon found some hookups within my local area. I will not go into detail as to how my dates went but i will tell you this, they were an eye opener.

Now my premise is this,if my own daughter grew up to embrace the world of online adult dating, how would i feel about it. I have already crossed that line and delved into it. How will i react in fifteen years time when she turns eighteen if i find out that she is indeed venturing into this world and lord knows what kind of technology will be available at that time to help enhance this experience online. The way i see it just like any parent would today, i will just have to sit back and cry myself to sleep if i ever found that she has delved into online adult dating. Most of all i hope that i will never get to find out just like many parents today do not. Growing up and experiencing life is something one has no complete control over anyone and we as parents teach and groom our children for the best, the rest is up to them.

An artistic mind will tell you that those nude photos are just an art form of the beautifull female anatomy expressed in a sexsual way and it's a wonderfull thing to see. Even Michealangelo painted the most provocative female portraits of the time and a beauty we still enjoy today. We have grown alot since that time so why should we restrict ourselves today in this age of the internet, why should we condemn the women that want to express themselves in this format and in anycase whether you are in a clean cut dating site or an adult one, the end product is nudity between the two parties when successful. I do not know why alot of us have all kinds of taboos about sex, it's just a natural given activity, why not express it and enjoy it too.

Parents your daughter is not bad or a whore because she chooses to get naked and show her body online, it's just her way of expressing herself and enjoying her sexsuality. Having sex does not make one a bad person it's just part of who we are, it's part of our creation and if it was not made to be pleasurable then we would not procriate and multiply our human kind. Remember too that within any dating format the end product is sex and that is a beautifull thing.

In conclusion i want to let those that avoid adult dating sites to know that, they are missing out on alot of good women who just happen to have strong sexsual expressiveness. Do not be scared, sex is natural and women are sexsual beings just like men are. It does not mean that just because she poses nude online she is easy and you will get lucky on the first date, she is a woman too and a good one at that. I would rather have a woman that is overt by nature, to me she is in plain sight than a woman that is covert and hides alot of skeletons in her closet. - Dating social shopping - Mobile Dating
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