Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Palm Reading Request - Question about loss of tip of middle finger on non-dominate hand

Palm Reading Request - Question about loss of tip of middle finger on non-dominate hand

My husband recently cut off the tip of his middle finger on his left hand (he is right handed) and it is still in the process of healing. The cut is just below his fingernail – but he still has the top joint, making his middle finger roughly the same length as his index and ring fingers. I just wondered what this loss might mean for him in general. I have found lots of links on palmistry, but none that discuss loss or partial loss of fingers.Thank you in advance for your help.

When he wakes up, I will take a picture of his palm... but it will have to be of his right hand, the left is still fully bandaged. I do have some pictures of the actual accident just after he arrived at the hospital - it does not show the palm well, but the hand is in clear focus. It is very gory, but if you think this image would help, I could post it.


Nature, low confidence, coward, sensual, weak decision power, short-tempered and very emotional.
Health, low sperm count (venereal disease), ENT, hyperacidity and chances of major accident in life around age 13 (most probably head injury) or 27 (accident or death in family).
Marriage line is not clear but most probably around 24.
Loss, chances of cheating around age 23/24.
Property, share market related work is not good for him.
Partnership is not good for him. He will get success only after working very hard.
Turning point, after 43.

Nitin Kumar


Wow, you gave me so much more than I was expecting. Sorry about the poor image quality - I have misplaced my camera, I will try to get a better picture for you.

I myself am not Indian. I am American and grew up in Texas. My husband is also American - he grew up in Wisconsin and Illinois.

My husband is 46, he was born on Jan. 26, 1963. My specific question has to do with his recently losing the end of his middle finger on his left hand. I would like to know what the lose might mean for him. I would also like to know if he is ever going to gain financial stability. He promised that by the end of this year, that he would have our finances in order - I would like to know if that is a promise he can keep. I have also included some information that may be helpful - I am using your format.

Here is a different picture of his palm - but it is from the same camera, I doubt it will be much better.

Male, Born: January 26, 1963 Married: October 5, 1997, Two children ages 1 and 4

Nature: He is always chasing rainbows, very much has his heads in the clouds. Very smart, and multitalented. Quick learner, tenacious - he has no give-up in him. He tends to not show emotion, but when he does become angry he sees red - he does not show his anger often. Very hard worker, but he tends to spin his wheels a lot due to lack of planning and focus. He seems to me to be overly confident with lack of caution or direction. He comes off as a bit of a know-it-all and he lacks tact. He wants everything done his way and becomes frustrated and impatient when he is not the one in charge. Technically minded and does well with any sort of electronics. He is clever and thinks outside the box. Very good at solving problems and coming up with unique solutions. He has never been in trouble with the law, but he is somewhat defiant with authority. He is restless and simply refuses to work a 9 - 5 job. He likes coming to the rescue or being the protector and will often give to others what he really cannot afford to give - I think it is some sort of hero complex

Health: He is very accident prone and has had multiple minor car accidents. He has also suffered blows to the head on many occassions - his first being around the age of thirteen when he feel off his bike, he now has a scar in the shape of a cross at the top of his forhead. Then, of course, a few days ago he lost the tip of his middle finger while working with a table saw. He did lose his sister when he was in his late 20's, she died of Cystic Fibrobrisis. He has chronic sinus problems and after he hit his head when he was in his early 20's, a CT scan showed that he has abnormally large sinuses. He is physically strong and thin - wiry. He is very good at climbing. He sometimes has chest pains, but doctors have checked his heart on multiple occassions and found no cause to worry. In his early 20's he contracted a VD while in the army, but to my knowledge, once it was treated he has had no lasting effects. When we worried about why it seemed to be taking so long for me to get pregnant, his sperm was checked and came back within normal range. His libido is somewhat low. He recently has been diagnosed with Adult ADHD. I also think he is beginning to show signs of arthritis, because his hands and fingers tend to stay sore and stiff.

Marriage: When he was in his early 20's he was married very briefly for about six months. The marriage ended after he walked in on his wife cheating on him. It is my understanding that his first marriage was one of convenience, so that he could get housing on the base while he was in the army. He and I have been married since 1997 and we have been together since 1994. For the most part we have a good marriage. When I became pregnant with our first child in 2004, he became restless and began an online relationship. I was very much in shock, because I am confident he had never cheated on me before. He did not consider the online relationship cheating, because he was not physically unfaithful to me - I felt he had cheated by being emotionally unfaithful to me. The situation caused a major rift in our relationship. Before I got pregnant, I had not ever even known him to lie to me - it was one of the qualities that I had found most endearing about him. When this online stuff began happening, he concocted elaborate stories to hide what he was doing online and he became very angry and mean when he was found out. It was like I was living with a completely unknown person. He did not become physically violent towards me and he never has, but he was mean and manipulative. I have worked hard to allow him to gain my trust back, and though there has not been any further incidents; I fear that I will never again trust him as I did. Currently I am in fear for our marriage, because seems to be making lots of poor decisions that are causing us money loss and him physical injury. In the last three weeks, he has been in two car accidents and had this table saw accident. He tries to do too much at one time, or he rushes and takes short cuts. He works an enormous amount of hours and he is barely home. I can handle the long hours and the chasing of rainbows, but the financial insecurity is becoming too much for me. He promised me that this year he would make us financially stable, I would like to know if he can keep that promise. Also my husband is 12 years older than me, but I have not noticed that our age difference has played a significant role in our relationship. Neither one of us is overly romantic.

Work / Money: He has worked since he was very young and in a variety of different jobs. His two main lines of employment have been cross country truck driving and as a network computer specialist. He tends to be very good at whatever he puts his mind to. He decided while he was on the truck that he wanted to learn computers and bought himself the necessary books to study - with less than a high school education, he now is quite litterally one of the best network engineers in his field and has his own company. He is now bored with computers and has started renovating houses. Once again he is learning as he goes, but so far he is showing amazing potential. He will not take a normal 9-5 job, and our money flow is either very up or very down. So far his biggest obstical concerning the renovating of houses is his failure to manage investment money properly. He has not lost money so far, and has made some - not as much as he could have, but a little. Over the years he has ruined our credit, we have had to file bankruptcy for his first computer company, we have no savings and often we barely make our bills on time, and we owe taxes. He did finally get life insurance recently, something I had been asking him to do for years. Our house needs many repairs and our cars need to be replaced. All of our money problems are a direct result of him not managing our finances properly or pissing away our money.

Children: This is the area that he shines in. He is a very attentive, hands on, father. He and my four year old daughter have a very close relationship. He is very proud of his children. My son is just now 1 year and my husband has been working extremely long hours during the last year. I would say that so far he is not as close to our son, but I believe that they will grow closer as our son gets a little older. Scott takes time to really enjoy the children and he has no qualms about changing diapers, feeding or discipline. He is emotionally tender with the children and they love sitting in his lap. He often takes our daughter to work with him and he will patiently teach her to paint or build things. I would have to say that he is the kind of father that I wish I had had. For many years, long before we had children of our own, we raised my nephew. He adored my nephew and they too were very close, and though my nephew is a young teenager and back with his own mother, he and my husband are still close and still share a special bond. The children in his life trust him and want to make him proud of them. He expects them to behave, make good grades, and be honest. For the most part the children will break their neck to make him proud of them and he will generously praise them when they deserve it. They also see him as maybe more fun than me - lol, because he will build rockets with them or take them fishing. He is a very good parent. If he has a fault concerning parenting, I would say it goes back to preparing for our children's financial future. I also am becoming more and more concerned with the safety of the children - I worry he will get in a rush or not be paying attention and the children might get hurt. On the one hand it is hard to imagine him being the reason the children get hurt, because he is very protective and careful with them - but his inattention seems to be escalating.

Family: Scott is not terribly close to his family. He spent a lot of his childhood being bounced from one family member to another. Part of the reason for him and his brother being moved around so much was because their sister was always very ill and required constant, intensive care. Also his parents divorced - I believe they divorced when Scott was in his young teens - but maybe sooner. Scott was the middle child and oldest son. For much of Scott's life he has not gotten along with his family and he has been seen as rebelious. He ran away from home when he was about 14 and never went back. He made his way on his own by being clever and determined. He did not have a close relationship with his sister, but they made peace with each other before she died. He is not close to his brother and he is not interested in having a relationship with him. I think Scott was an angry child and young adult - and his anger is what really made it difficult for him to have a relationship with his parents and siblings. I also think he was a bit of an exhausting child, being too curious - and somewhat destructive - taking things apart like the telephone or the radio... taking risk that would injure him and so forth. He didn't want or foster tenderness or protection from his parents, because he was so independent and always off on his own little adventure. His mother even comments that he shunned affection even as a baby - he didn't want to be held and snuggled. He has an overwhelming amount of respect for his grandfather and he says that his grandfather was always there for him and never turned him away. He and his mother now get along and talk almost daily on the phone. I think that they are able to get along now, because they are not with each other daily. If Scott's mom criticizes him, he is okay with that, because he can hang up the phone. His dad seems to dissaprove of Scott - his dad is very good with his own finances and seems to judge Scott only on his financial success or lack thereof. I find Scott's dad to be emotionally cut off and a bit of a hard ass. I admire his dad, though, because his dad does really seem to have his life in order. His dad's life and person is calm and Scott is just the opposite of calm.
Scott has a love / hate relationship with my family, specifically my mother - who he knew before he met me. My mother and him are closer in age than Scott and I. My youngest sisters (twins) are 16 years younger than me, I am the oldest. Scott has been very involved with my sisters since they were toddlers. The twins think of Scott as basically a father figure, because he is the only man who has constantly been in their life since they were very little. My mother and Scott have a lot of trouble getting along, they are both stubborn and want to be in charge. My mother had me when she was 16 and she is probably (or at least was) overprotective of me. If there is a power struggle in our family, then it is between my mother and Scott.

I decided to also include pictures of my own palm and my four year daughter... my son is asleep, plus he is only a year old - so I probably cannot get him to sit still for the photograph anyway. Unfortunately, I am still having to use the camera from my phone - so I hope between the two pictures, our palms will be clear enough.

Female: Born October 18, 1974; Age - 35; Married; Two Children I would most like to know where my marriage is headed and whether or not I will gain financial stability and how far in my future that might be.

Female: Born April 28, 2005; Age - 4; First Born Since this is just a child, I guess general information is all I want. Special health problems I should look out for; is there a special talent or interest I should foster for her; maybe anything else significant. Thank you, again, for your incredible time.


Nature, emotional, shy, depressed, stressful and sharp memory.
Health, overall not good (weak constitution), stomach/gas/acidity related problems.
Chances of major health problem around age 7. Take care of eyes. Chances of menses related problems.
Financial stability, good (improve) after 38.Chances of loss around age 37.
Family relationship, is not good (from both sides). (No credit from both sides)
Marriage/relationship, need sideview.
Chances of one miscarriage.

Nitin Kumar


Thank you for taking such time to respond - palmistry is comforting. Below are three more pics of my hand - the first is the side view of my right (dominate) palm, then the second two are of my left (non-dominate) palm and side of palm. I am not sure if having picture of both palms and sides would help, but I figured it was worth putting them up.

Thank you again,Joy

I would most like to know where my marriage is headed and whether or not I will gain financial stability and how far in my future that might be.

Right Handed - Female: Born October 18, 1974; Age - 35; Married; Two Children - Picture of right hand side of palm. (The right palm is pictured already in this topic and labled the same.)

Right Handed - Female: Born October 18, 1974; Age - 35; Married; Two Children - Picture of left palm.

Right Handed - Female: Born October 18, 1974; Age - 35; Married; Two Children - Picture of left hand side of palm.


I do not think that now any type of problem will come in your married life because if any problem in your married life it would have been earlier, most probably around 27.

So now there is no need to worry. There will be only difference of opinion.Chances of loss of reputation and sexual harassment (take care).


I just wanted to to give you some feedback...

I have been diagnosed with severe chemical depression and I take medication daily. I am a bit of a loner and always have been - in part due to some shyness, but mostly I get overwhelmed with anxiety in crowds. I don't have trouble getting along with people and most people like me, but I do not have a lot of close friends. I do not really enjoy getting out and meeting people. I am considered very smart and I am particularly good at research and I am very good at speaking in front of crowds. I have been told that I might be a good writer.

As for my health, I would agree that it is overall somewhat poor. I have had some major gastrointestinal problems - that continue still. The depression makes me very tired and I have chronic anemia. I have not ever suffered a major illness except the depression, however when I was six years old I was in a major car accident and nearly died, because my jugler vein was severed in half. My eyesight is very good. I do, however, have major nerve damage in my ears and I have progressive hearing loss - eventually I will lose my hearing. I have always had painful monthly cycles.

My finances are somewhat up in the air - if it is just me, I handle my own finances well, but my husband is horrible with money and that has caused us severe problems. It is a significant problem coming between us right now. I fear for our financial future, because he blows our money. I want and need financial stability and I do not know how to get it. If you have some advice or a suggestion to help me in this area, I would greatly appreciate it - something I can do independent of my husband to be financially stable and comfortable. I don't need to be rich, but I would like to have money put away for the kid's college and I would like be able to buy a new home and a vehicle. Am I going to be able to do that?

I have been lucky not to ever lose anyone close to me, I guess when the time come I will deal with it.

My relationship with my family is interesting. I have five younger sisters and for the most part we get along well. We do not hang out and our interest are varied, but if I was in trouble, then I know they would be there for me. My mother was very young when she had me and as her first child, I often helped her with mothering of my younger sisters. There was not a lot of stability in our home growing up - our parents were kids themselves and it made things tough. My mother and I have not always gotten along and she and I have gone through some very stormy times, however, I can always go to her if I am in trouble - and she will fight for me and always has. Now that I am an adult, she and I get along pretty well, I am actually fairly close to her - but it helps that I am no longer under her roof. Distance between us is very good for our relationship. My mother is basically a level headed person and gives good advice - she does not always follow her own advice. My Dad and I get along, we have never been very close, though. He is a very quiet, easy going person and he is just difficult to get close to - I do not see him a lot, mostly for family gatherings. He always worked hard to make sure that my sisters and I have had our physical needs met, but overall I would say that he was a very poor parent and he just barely met his minimum obligations as a father. My mother had lots of drama in her life, but she always did try her best to be a good parent. My mother and father seperated when I was six - just after the car wreck. Neither of them are financially successful, but my mother's finances have improved greatly in the last ten years or so. Certainly neither of them is in a position to assist me financially and even sometimes I assist my mother financially.

I have had one miscarriage and then two childrean, I now have my tubes tied.

Feedback and a few more questions concerning my marriage -

I was 29 / 30 when my husband and I went through our rockiest time. We were very, very close to divorcing and still have ongoing issues in the area of trust stemming from that past situation. Currently my husband is acting in an increasing reckless manner - money wise and safety wise; his behavior is becoming a major concern. I believe that I need a temporary seperation from him, but I am feeling very ambivalent about that decision. Any insight or advice you could give me concerning what to do would be much appreciated.

I am not sure if the sexual harassment is something you see in my future or just there - I was involved in a sexual harassment law suit and won. Should I be concerned that I will be involved in another case of sexual harassment?Thank you again,

Nitin Kumar

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