Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Palmistry related questions

Palmistry related questions:

my headline on my right hand slopes down(Curve too) to mount of luna. forks at the end too wich is goin in the direction of the mars mount and at the end of this fork, thers a horizontal line goin across my palm.

I would like to ask a question please about my second marriage line when it will happen and what kind of relationship it will be, I am 40 years old and female I have had one relationship.

I have been going through a very difficult period in my life. I have a break in my heart line on mount of saturn. Also, heart line is chained or several islands underneath mount of apollo. What does this mean?

I was wondering, besides reading the union lines, are there other indications of marriage on the palm? Also, how can one tell at what age marriage will take place?

I have questions about "loop of charisma" or "Rajah Loop". Have anyone noticed it palms they read? if yes, what was position of the bearer.I have searched a lot on internet about it and the below is summary of the info I found (covered with pair of double-quotes) which I am not satisfied with and I am constantly looking for more information."The loop of charisma (or Rajah loop) is found between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers. Although extremely rare, it is good pattern to have, since it reveals a strong ability to lead and inspire other. People with loop of charisma often gather a following of devoted admirers or devotees. In addition to successful politicians, entertainers, and religious leaders, people who are considered authorities in their choosen field of work or study may have the loop of charisma. This represents a personal charisma or magnetism. King Solomon was an example of a person with this gift."I have loop of charisma and a well mark ring of solomon, but I am not a king! (yeh, I know you are aware of it). I am just curious what will be impact of it on my life.

i just wanted kmow .... that whether are destiny is pre written or v can change are destiny .... can are hands actually tel are future or are lines keep on changing .. sumone told me are lines change as per our thinking ...can u people tell me .?

One: The heart line starts off as a single line but midway through it looks like there are 2(or more) parallel lines instead of one. What does this mean? According to what we have read, this type of heartline makes this person unable to understand peoples feelings - but this is not true.Also, in the fate line... are we correct in understanding that the fate line goes up to the head line and stops or does it continue (but shifted to the left ending between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers)? Also, what does this signify?

star on both the hands under sun finger and a cross with a star under jupiter finger ?

Does anyone know where to find good books on palmitry in Mumbai ? I want to buy many books ? But which place / shop in Mumbai has these ? can anybody please help me ?

Has some-one seen a marriage line cut or crossed at the back-end like in this picture.What does it stand for ? My sense is that it is something drastic?

I have always read about long affection lines(on mercury mount) , but my own lines don't make any sense to me. Both my palms have an affection line steeply curving upwards and ending in a small star. It ends at the very top of sun mount. Before it was just a branch shooting up but now the line has grown and has headed upwards ending on sun mount. I have been told it means marriage to a wealthy person. But i highly doubt that since i have no plans of getting married and i am now 30. I was wondering if maybe it's curving upwards due to remaining single though i know it would then curve upwards to the pinky-mercury-finger. Are there exceptions to this rule. I can't understand why the line is curving upwards and growing so much....any ideas?

a curved line from mars, either as a single line or joined throuhg one or two pieces....going to either sun..... or ending between sun and saturn has been considered as the "line of secret relationships" by many.By that I mean having a mistress or a relationship outisde of marriage and hidden from the public.the attached hand of a 32 year old woman......is one of the 3 cases that I have been able to verify.Additionally I have see this line on the hand of Imran Khan ( cricketer) also in the hand prints, I think in the book of Mir-Bashir.what does the experience of others say about this line....and generally on the subject of secret relationships

I'd like to know the effect of overlapping of lifeline and head line on each other at the beginning.Actually there is a gap between my lifeline and headline and they are not combined with each other at the beginning and someone told me that it is very bad and rare formation.

I have a question about left and right hands , I noticed on alot of learning sites and pages that alot of the examples and diagrams are of left hands and even in part two of Banhems book all the diagrams are of left hands , if someone who wanted to go online and learn about the lines on there hands seeing all left hands and then reading there own left hand could think that all will be great by the lines on that hand and that the future was bright but the lines on the right hand can contradict and overrule the lines on the left so why bother with diagrams of the left hand at all.. I asked this question on another forum and only one replied and although the answer was very articulate ,colorful and beautifully worded unfortunately it wasn't an answer to the question I had asked and it being my 3rd attempt to ask the same question worded differently I just left it ,so I would be grateful if someone could tell me what I'm missing in my observation. thank you.

How can we interpret the downward branches on life line specially on end part of life line as shown in the pictures. does it show travelling or health issues or any other meaning. After these branches there is also break & gap in life line. Whats indicate this ???

What would an independent Y shape mean in the jupiter mount, by the way it is not that "Triradius" finger print type thingey, it looks like a Mercedes Benz symbol with out the outer ring. Thanks Guys..PS it is on the right hand...

can anyone tell me why i have a name written in the lines of my hand? does anyone else have letters of the alphabet on their hands?

I have couple of questions regarding mercury finger and palm prints in speciifc raja loopMercury finger : Do people who have long mercury finger (Mercury finger above first phalange) have enhanced mercurian qualities or is there anythingh special about it, for example are they born mathematician. Raja Loop (Plam Prints) : Regarding Raja loop which is mentioned in indian palmitsyr books and western books has anybody done good research. For example Some websites and some books metion that this loop indicates these people have extra charm and some indicate that these people are from royal ancestry. Is any of this is true then there has to be one right answer. Can you sir help me out on this or anybody who knows details on help me out on this

I have just had a palm reading (very brief one) nothing was really clarified or explained to me. I was told however that I have a very solid relationship, I was asked if I married young (I'm on ly 25 now) I said no, but there has been someone over the past 2 years who I haven't been in a relationship with but he's there.... she asked if he has children as there a 2 very defined lines, she said 2 boys, and then found a faint line, and said he has a girl as well... he has twin boys and a daughter, all teenagers now. She said my relationship with him was in a "down" faze at the moment (which it is, we aren't talking) I asked if it was over and she wouldn't answer, she just said you have a very solid relationship in your lifetime.... I have no idea if he is my solid relationship (like I said, we were never actually "together") and why would his children be on my hand??? I have never even meet his children, but he has of course told me all about them. I have one line quite low down where the marriage lines go, then 2 very deep lines running parrell higher up... the 3 child lines run through all 3 marriage lines.... does anyone know what this might mean???

all my family (and me) have tridents on our plams what does this mean?

my marriage line is in the form of 2 lines intersecting each other, forming a fish like island design. could you tell me what this means?

What could be interpreted if heart line runs straight and suddely it bends down under jupitor mount and associate with life line and heart line at the apex ? Below are the pictures of right hand attached !

I have only ever seen a pinky finger with 2 knuckle creases and the crease joining the pinky to the palm. My husband has 3 creases. the 2 knuckle creases plus one just under the lower knuckle on his pinky , above the palm joining crease. What is the significance of this??? I have looked at many friends and they all have only 2 creases...??

I wanted to ask you that one's palm changes according to his karma.Does these changes come after definate time or can occur anytimje?Another question is that there are similar predictions of one's hand analysis and from seeing janam kundali (planetary positions).Now suppose that the palm of person changes, but the position of planets at the birth time does not change. Is there some sort of connection between two when the changes in palm occurs?

can anyone help me to understand the gist of planetary influence on our organs, or system..?!For examples, moon is consider as water element and it rules our emotions and fluids in the body. Thus, we relate it with kidney.mercury line/health line gives the idea about individual's respiratory system, digestive system, throat so on. . .planet.sun indicates eye troubles and heart troublesvenus indicates sexual problems/diseasesThis much only i could trace. . . . on the other hand, through Numerology, we could gather some relative information. However, i wish to know how we can apply it in palmistry. For example, i would like to know what are the sphere of action of other mounts/planets ie., jupiter, saturn, mercury, mars, so on. .

I am very worried and in depression now a days. I have found somewhere that if lifeline has a island or deep, it may impact something in life. I get very scared and upset many time about my future...I am not sure why such a negative feelings...There were some issues and I was tensed about them but why I am tensed about myself I am not understanding. I have a small island or deep between my life line, is this phase of my life will continue like this due to the presence of island or it is nothing to do anything with my situation and depression...

What would squares of the mount of jupiter signify?

Two weeks back ,i come across one indian palmistry book called ' Indian palmistry, 1895, written by Mrs. J.B. DALE. This book has different ideas . In this book, heart line is called as fortune line or table line or life line. and life line is called as heart line. head line is called as liver line. and mercury line is known as head line. still further, Timings of life line begins from down to up! but, still this books has good information. Can any experts clear my doubt that from where to where we should calculate the timing of life line? whether above downwards or below upwards!

just want to know what's this star or cross on jupiter?,and what does it mean?.

which lines in palm indicates about education

it is most frequently asked question. but, i have not found any satisfactory answers from books and any website. They are seems to me as theories! in indian system of palmistry, specifically traditional palmist prefer to read the left hands for women! some claims passive hand! is it true? on the other hand, western palmist read right hand or active hand for both sex! can experts guide me to know the truth of it

If complicated technology, please a describe principle calculating ascendent what are used points for it calculating ?

Since I've seen quite a number of celebrities whose hands lack of a clear sun line, I am really bothered with the question of which other indications that show a success/fame/achievements in life. To my knowledge I can not judge success, or loss in fate line, since I only consider the markings on that lines as indications of determination, and changes.

if someone has a kind of island (the circle thing i think you call ir island) on there heart line and a little line goes through it what does that mean i hope not somthing bad? safe

I'm curious about my marriage line, it is very long, meet sun line, but cross sun line a little bit, stop before meeting fate line, what that means, do i have a happy marriage, or do i divorce at the end with my partner?

I have a question for you because it is often said that a short free reading life line means short living life, but I have seen hands of people who had a long life line but they passed away young. so how can we interpret this line? thanks!

Whether exists map of rashis on a palm?How it looks?

is there sign in hand that shows the person is deaf and dumb from birth. i will wait for your reply .

Please tell me the significance of a star on the base of the index finger on the right hand.

i have read in ur forum about a line called much rekha, but its not clear how does it look or where is it found? would u plz clear this point? can u show any image of mach rekha found in real on any hand??

I have read that" Inherited money is hwon by a fine curving line besides the base of the Apollo finger on the side of Mercury finger. This line means that the person will come into money at some stage in their life. It gives no clue"Can somebody offer more information on this?

Is inheritance line exists in the palm and if so, where.

i was just curious to know about kal sarp yog or kal sarp dosh [[ whatever it is called ] ... if sumbody has jkal sarp dosh wat are the effects .. i have heard its really bad .. pls explain in detail

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Contact me for palm reading at nitinkumar_palmist@yahoo.in

Nitin Kumar

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