Saturday, March 10, 2012

I had to see a counsellor a few weeks ago for instrumental purposes. She said that I have a good understanding of myself and an aptitude for self-healing (or so I extrapolate).
Last week I got really run down from stress and lack of sleep and my face broke out in weeping sores; however I am pleased to report that as of today I am arisen. My self-healing strategy (pictured above) was as follows: go to the pharmacy and get them to sell you something; stay asleep as much as possible for a couple of days; drink plenty of wine to help you stay asleep; only get up to pee and refill your hot water bottle (these are two separate tasks) and go to work; take your flatmate's vitamins; and keep yourself slathered in antibacterial cream.

*Method is not guaranteed. Results may vary.

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