Friday, May 6, 2011

The Line Of Intuition Palmistry

The Line of Intuition Indian Palmistry

The line of intuition rises on the mount of luna near the percussion, proceeds up wards with a slight curve like dip inside the palm and ends on or near the mount of mercury. It is sometimes found marked only on the mount of moon with the same typeo f formation. The line of Intuition is a kind of mercury line impregnated by imagination and mind's eye of hte mount of luna, and shrewdness and clairvoyance of the mount of mercury.

The subject with the line of hte intuition preceives impression which he can not account for and and forms opinions. There is marked sensitiveness and presentiments for preceiving athe hidden psyche of the people with in on's vicinty. the subject can sense from his so called sixth sense whether the person present before him is showing his real character ofr is hiding his dishonesty and workedness. The line of Intuition is usually found in the hands of spirit mediums, who read minds of their attendants accurately through their sixth sense or intuition. This factulty gets more pronounced if the fingers be long with pointed or conic tips the mount of luna be predomominant, the tip of the thumb be pointed the head line be sloping the line of intuition be well marked. this subject would be called a psychic. He interprets the signs and omens accurately, has visions dreams and precise preception of the impending dangers or auspicious happening and is the one who is supposed to cast his mark in occult studies.


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